Spokane Community Acupuncture 2917 N Monroe St, Spokane WA 509-808-0159 SpokaneAcu.com

 Acupuncture /  Spokane / 154 views

Your source for Accredited Medical Cannabis Education, and Reliable, Consistent CBD Products and Mushrooms * 100% satisfaction guarantee on all products that are the highest...

 Cannabis & CBD /  Spokane / 113 views

Liis Todd The Alexander Technique is a practice that helps you to control impulses, recognize muscular patterns associated with stress and unlearn habitual responses to...

 The Alexander Technique /  Spokane / 172 views

I have been trained in the Equine Gestalt Coaching Method®.  This therapeutic modality utilizes somatic experiences to assist the client in releasing trauma from the...

 Personal Coaching /  Spokane / 16 views

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