Terms and Conditions

Refund Policy

For online directory listings: Once the listing is live online, there is no refund available. However, the information in the listing may be edited by [email protected] Please allow 30 days for changes to occur.

For print directory listings: Listings are not refundable but can be edited. The deadline to change the content of the listing is the first of the month preceding next month’s issue. (Example – June 1 st would be the deadline for the July issue.)

Delivery Policy

For online directory listings: Once all the required information and images are received, an online listing will be posted to the directory within 5 business days.

Return Policy

Since there is no physical product being represented, we have no return policy.

Cancellation Policy

Online and/or print directory listings may be canceled with a 30-day notice. There will be no refund for the cancellation of the original agreement.